Personal Profile Report
Compatibility Report
Future Forecast Report
Career Report
Report for Children
About Astrology
Interpreting Astrology
Order a Personal Profile Astrology Report and receive a FREE Career Report.
Experience the insight and wisdom of a personal, one-on-one, astrology reading at a fraction of the price!
If you’ve ever had your chart done by a professional astrologer, you’re already familiar with the incredible power and accuracy of astrology. Now you can get these same insights with our customized reports… and you get a 25-50 page “book” all about you to keep so you can refer back to it whenever you like. All for a fraction of what it would cost for a consultation with a professional astrologer!
Our personalized astrology reports tap the writing talents of some of the world’s most skilled astrologers and combine them with cutting-edge computer technology. The result is personalized astrological reports of unmatched quality and accuracy. Normally reports of this depth and insight would take a professional astrologer several hours to produce.
What can our Personalized Astrology Reports do for you?
Our personalized Astrology Reports provide detailed, insightful information on your unique personality characteristics, strengths, challenges and potential as well as insight into what the future holds. These reports are a wonderful tool for personal growth. They will help you find order and meaning in your life. You will gain a better understanding of yourself and your particular strengths and challenges so that you are better equipped to navigate through life’s journey and make the best choices possible.
Each report is truly unique – “light years” beyond the daily “Sun sign” horoscopes found in the newspaper. Each report is approximately 25-50 pages and is delivered by e-mail within 24 hours.
We offer five types of Personalized Astrology Reports:
- Personal Profile Report… an exclusive 30-50 page “book” all about YOU.
- Compatibility Report… reveals new insights into your relationship and its future potential.
- Future Forecast Report… an in-depth look at the timing of significant events in your life.
- Career Report… patek philippe skeleton replica watch explores the type of career you are best suited for.
- Astrology Report for Children… a 35-40 page “book” exclusively about YOUR CHILD.
Discover what the heavens had in store for you at the moment you were born!
Astrology will help you:
Gain a better understanding of yourself and loved ones
Develop your natural abilities to their full potential
Discover hidden strengths and talents
Develop deeper, more rewarding relationships
Become more in tune with your loved ones
Discover your own true inner purpose and life path
Make the most out of life’s challenges
Make more rewarding career choices
Does astrology work?
Astrology is as old as measured time. It has been studied and practiced by all great civilizations throughout history. Many notable figures throughout the ages have turned to Astrology for guidance in their personal and professional lives – Plato, Pythagoras, Sir Isaac Newton, Carl Jung, J.P. Morgan, Ronald Regan, Princess Diana, just to name a few. Astrology’s popularity is now stronger than ever. Why have so many embraced Astrology? Because they know how powerful it is!
You are 1 of a kind, not 1 in 12!
Ever wonder why the “horoscopes” found in the newspaper are so vague? It’s because they are based only on the position of the Sun without taking into account your unique birth time or birthplace. Everyone falls into 1 of 12 categories! Well there’s a lot more going on in the heavens than just the position of the Sun!
You are truly one of a kind. Your birth chart is uniquely your own – no two are the same. Your personal astrology chart will reflect this as it takes into account the positions of all the planets and your unique birth information to provide a truly unique personalized profile just for YOU. (See What is an Astrology Chart?)